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The GLSEN Workbook: A Development Model for Assessing, Describing and Improving Schools for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) People.

Abstract: This workbook provides an instrument to objectively analyze a school's current climate with regard to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) people and the steps needed to move that school toward a more inclusive environment. It provides a detailed assessment survey (to be completed by key school stakeholders), descriptive data, and direct action organizing tools to support school communities seeking to understand and enhance the environment for LGBT and all youth. The survey provides a complete array of evaluative statements in areas including school policy, curricular inclusion, faculty training, gay-straight alliances, schoolwide programming, and adult attitudes toward LGBT people. It assesses school climate regarding LGBT issues along a four-point continuum (hostile, resistant, open, and inclusive schools). Fictionalized composites of the four types of schools are included. The descriptive data help community members understand what their survey scores mean and what the four-point continuum looks like. The workbook includes a plan for creating issue campaigns that turn problems into tangible solutions for school communities. Taken together, the components represent a model that supports the development of school communities into healthier places for all students. (SM)

Title: The GLSEN Workbook: A Development Model for Assessing, Describing and Improving Schools for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) People.
Author: No stated author.
Page Length: 54
Publication Year: 2001
Document Type: 055; Questionnaire (160)
Target Audience: Practitioners
ERIC Identifier: ED452316
Clearinghouse Identifier: UD034140
You may be able to order this document from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service.

Descriptors: * Bisexuality; Curriculum; Diversity [Student]; * Educational Environment; Elementary Secondary Education; * Equal Education; Faculty Development; Homophobia; * Homosexuality; School Policy; Self Evaluation [Groups]; Student Attitudes; Teacher Attitudes

Identifiers: *Homosexual Rights; *Transsexuals

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